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Project Assistant (SISSTEM)

February 19, 2020
Position                                  Location                   Deadline

Project Assistant              Aruba                   Feb 24, 2020

(Open only to nationals of Aruba)

P11 Form

Submit applications to: [email protected]

Please include position title in the subject of the email when submitting your application.


Procurement is the overall process of acquiring goods, civil works and services which includes all functions from the identification of needs, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contract, and all phases of contract administration through the end of a services’ contract or the useful life of an asset.

UNDP thrives in ensuring fair procurement processes among its suppliers are followed. UNDP Trinidad conducts its procurement activities with the highest degree of transparency in order to ensure that suppliers may compete fairly and equally for procurement business opportunities. The integrity of our procurement process stem from strict compliance with established UNDP global guidelines, which conform to internationally recognized procurement standards and best practices.


The Project Assistant (SISSTEM) position has been advertised in the local Aruba newspaper.  Please see link below:—procurement.html

UNDP Project Assistant

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