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Aruba Sustainable Development Goals Indicators 2021

December 15, 2021

Aruba Sustainable Development Goals Indicators 2021.

The SDG-indicator Working Group produced the report Aruba Sustainable Development Goals Indicators 2021, which gives an overview of new baselines, available time series of existing indicators on Aruba, and the analyses of trends relating to the SDGs. The data presented has been collected from a variety of data sources; administrative data sources, yearly and occasionally held surveys and Population and Housing Censuses.

The trend analysis provides information for monitoring of progress and it helps to set concrete national targets. This report shows that considerable data exists to aid policy formulation and to set national targets. Moreover, this report gives insights into the development in the different areas related to the SDGs and is key to assist policy makers in Aruba in the monitoring of different areas related to Sustainable Development. (download report here) (download synopsis here)


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